lunes, 19 de octubre de 2009

Dos escenas

Dos películas no exactamente famosas ni taquilleras, las cuales se pueden ver repetidisimas veces en el cable pero que tienen dos escenas muy familiares, espléndidamente actuadas por actrices algunas conocidas y otras no tanto.

Dos escenas muy familiares, muy conocidas... las cuales me roban una carcajada o alguna que otra lágrima... No. no son las típicas escenas de amor en que el amante encuentra a su amada tomando un taxi o apunto de tomar un avión.

A ver si adivinan a cuáles películas pertenecen las siguientes escenas.

Escena Uno: Deborah & Evelyn

Deborah: So tell me again why I can't call him on his cell again?
Evelyn: Besides that he turned it off?
Deborah: Yeah.
Evelyn: Forty messages starts to look needy.
Deborah: Oh mother, you're enjoying this.
Evelyn: No... well, not in the way you think.
Deborah: You are enjoying it??...Jesus mother!!!!
Evelyn: I am enjoying after been abused to my daugther... I am enjoying the fact that I really know how advise you and the miracle that you're so deeply desoriented that you're gobbling everything that I say.
Deborah:Something I wanna say you about you and me.
Evelyn:You dont have to.
Deborah:No.. I want to.
Evelyn: You were an alcoholic and wildly promiscuous woman during my formative years so that I'm in this fix because of you, it is your fault and I just needed that moment for us to build on.
Deborah: You have a solid point dear... but right now the lessons of my life are coming in handy for you.

Escena Dos: Marin & Erica

Marin: Are you crying?
Erica: Yeah. It's my new thing. I've gotten abnormally brilliant at it.
Marin: Why? What is it?
Erica: I'm in love. Ain't it great? Seems like I gotta learn how to that... love-them-and-leave-them stuff, you know?
Marin: Oh mom, I hate this. Now do you get my theory about all this? You gotta self-protect.
Erica: You don't really buy this stuff you say, do you? You don't actually think that you can outsmart getting hurt?
Marin: I think it's worth trying.
Erica: Listen to me. You can't hide from love for the rest of your life because maybe it won't work out... maybe you'll become unglued? It's just not a way to live.
Marin: Are you telling me this is good? What's happened to you?
Erica: I think you should consider the possibility that you and I are more alike than you realize. I let someone in, and I had the time of my life.
Marin: I've never had the time of my life.
Erica: I know, baby. And I say this from the deepest part of my heart. ...What are you waiting for?

Para los flojos.... La Escena 2 "Marin & Erica" no pude encontrar sólo la escena así que vean solo la última parte del video y la primera del video siguiente.

Escena 2 "Deborah & Evelyn".. la escena que más me gusta, a partir del minuto 4:20.

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